The Art of Asking Questions in Journalism

This week InterComm brings you a short round up on the questions asked in journalism. In this episode I took my coaching hat off and – in a new role of an interviewer – asked Rafał to shed some light on the 5W questions he has been asking all his adult life as a journalist.


Wynton Marsalis and coaching

Last week Rafał and I met with Kuba Stankiewicz in our beautiful South Park and went for an evening walk together. One of the best world-class jazz pianists and internationally acclaimed musician and composer, Kuba always shares fab stories about jazz and personal and funny anecdotes about famous musicians and to our delight this time was no different. He told us about a PhD student whose doctoral thesis he was reviewing, and who has made Polish folk music from Łęczyca into a great jazz record. When Kuba asked what inspired him to look into these regional harmonies, he said it was no other but Wynton Marsalis. This world-famous jazz trumpeter and composer and winner of Pulitzer Prize for Music apparently once said to another musician: ‘I’m from New Orleans, so I can play our local music. You’re not from New Orleans, so you can’t. Play your own shit, man.’    

And when I heard this ‘play your own shit’ phrase, it immediately made me think of coaching and how true and universal it was. Coaches always work with their clients in a partnership to help clients discover their own and unique ways to achieve their goal. In other words, we don’t tell our clients what they should be doing in order to achieve whatever it is they want to change in their life. We ask them probing questions, pick up and unpack their limiting beliefs, help them see and appreciate other perspectives and keep them motivated to keep up the necessary work. But we never tell them what to do or how.  

Particularly for clients who are experiencing coaching for the first time in their life, they often find it really difficult to make their own decisions, choose the best actions and trust in their own talents and resources. In the early stages of the coaching process new clients often want our approval or validation of their choices. They often ask: Is this ok? Should I do it like that? What do you think as a coach? And that’s the moment where I would most like to quote Marsalis: ‘Do your own shit, man! Don’t ask me, but do what your heart and mind tell you is best for you and will work for you.’ Luckily, soon enough my clients come around and become more and more comfortable at hearing and trusting their own voice, designing their own plans. And that’s the moment when they truly start ‘playing their own shit’ and that’s the best music to any coach’s ears 🙂


Co z tą radością? Co z tą rzeczywistością po pandemii?

W najnowszym wydaniu Głosu Mordoru InterComm jak zwykle w dwóch odsłonach: ja zastanawiam się jak odnaleźć radość, która pomoże nam zbudować większą odporność psychiczną i zapraszam do zrobienia krótkiego ćwiczenia. Rafał natomiast ostrożnie spekuluje na temat tego, jak może wyglądać rzeczywistość po pandemii.

Czytanie „Pod wspólnym parasolem”

Olga Szelc zaprosiła nas do przeczytania fragmentu książki „Pod wspólnym parasolem”. Ja wybrałam tekst Urszuli Bieleckiej „Los w lewym bucie na prawej nodze, więc przytul mnie, przygarnij mnie” o jej autystycznym wnuczku.

Książka powstała jako zbiór wywiadów, wierszy i opowiadań stworzonych przez tych, którzy wspierają niepełnosprawnych: wolontariuszy, przyjaciół i rodziny. Teksty powstały podczas warsztatów artystyczno-literackich wymyślonych i prowadzonych przez Krystynę Paraszkiewicz-Pater.

Książkę wydało Wrocławskie Centrum Rozwoju Społecznego, a honorowym patronatem objął Prezydent Wrocławia Jacek Sutryk. Wywiady przeprowadziły Alicja Więch i Olga Maria Szelc.


How to clear your head during pandemic


In today’s episode I will share a few things that may help you clear your head plus a word of warning on not puting extra pressure on yourself during the pandemic. Watch out for Rafał’s special appearance to illustrate my point 


Pandemia w kapciach i stoicyzm w czasach zarazy

InterComm w najnowszym e-numerze Głosu Mordoru: ja o pandemii w kapciach, czyli jak pracować w domu, a w rozmowie z Rafałem mówimy o stoicyzmie i o tym, jak nie pisać czarnych scenariuszy.


How to clear your head during pandemic

In today’s episode I will share a few things that may help you clear your head plus a word of warning on not puting extra pressure on yourself during the pandemic. Watch out for Rafał’s special appearance to illustrate my point 😉
